Monday, June 22, 2009

Looking at rams

This is a good time of year to evaluate your rams. They've had some time to bulk up, after the long cold winter and they haven't grown into their full fleeces yet.
Echo HMRR 917T is the oldest ram on the farm, only 2 years old this spring. he's from Hawks Mountain Ranch in Oregon. I really like him. He is maturing well. Nice muscling, with a wide rump and chest, very mild mannered, rather shy, wide horns. He could be a little longer, though. His lambs have been exceptional. He passes along both solid colored lambs as well as spotted.

Finn RBR 76U is just a yearling. His breeding is from Tongue River, in Missouri, thanks to the late Susan Briggs. He is just exceptional! His fleece is unbelievably silky and soft. Very muscular, beautiful wide horns, and a mild manner. I put a bell on him, because he's always around me. He never bosses the ewes around or show any signs of aggression. Since we run the rams with the flock this time of the year, I just want to be safe. His bell lets me know he's near. He's not shy, and wants attention. I don't like to make friends with my rams. That can lead to problems as they mature.

We will certainly use him in our breeding program for another year or two. He has thrown some nice spotted lambs this year. It looks like his lambs have inherited his wonderful silky fleece.

Fudge RBR 74U This is another Tongue River breeding. His mother is Dalla, our AI leader ewe. Consistent with most leader sheep, he has a finer bone. He was terribly thin after this winter, but has bulked up considerably. I used him on some of our meatier ewes, but he managed to break into another pen and breed a few more. I have been (very!) pleasantly surprised at the quality of his lambs. As a whole, they are more muscular than he is, and they've all inherited that cute nose crease! He has retained his nice solid moorit fleece, and hasn't silvered. I hope he passes along that trait, too.

Fable RBR 68U is a black mouflon triplet yearling ram that we held over from last year. He is really maturing well. He has the same body type as his sire Echo. Wonderful wide horns, and a very mild manner. He is for sale this year.


Kelly said...

I would have liked to visit Tongue River Farm. She had such a beautiful site with so much information. I think your rams are lovely. We haven't gotten that far yet. We have just acquired our firs ewes. We have so much to learn. It is such an enjoyable endeavor.

Terri said...

Thanks, Kelly! I would have loved to see her place, too. Susan was such a wonderful mentor to so many. She always took the time to answer questions and was so generous with her knowledge.