Monday, June 22, 2009

Heat Wave!

We're now into our first heat wave of the season. 90+ degree weather, with near 100% humidity! Miserable! Especially when you are wearing a wool coat.
Despite the heat, the lambs still snuggle up with their siblings or their mommas. Above, Claire's twin lambs.

Moorit Badger triplets, lined up along the barn...

Charlotte and her triplets, dozing on this muggy hot day--you can see how they just love their momma!

Delphine and her ewe lamb, having a snack...

Garland, one of Pippi's twin ewes. I think she's my favorite ewe lamb this year. She's short and as wide as can be. Wild as can be, too...
Another favorite, Dalla's ewe Glimmer, another wild child...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Charlotte and her lambs. Glimmer is my favorite :) very cute!