Friday, May 15, 2009

it just keeps raining...

This has been another wet spring. We get one sunny day, then it rains and rains.
Belle, our great pyr doesn't seem to mind.

The sheep hang out on their "porch" on the south side of the barn, waiting for the rain to let up.

Our barnyard is concrete, instead of dirt, which sure helps with the mud. It can still get sloppy though.
The view looking out the north door of the barn,
my wool house!

The sheep are so spoiled. They hate to go out and graze when it's raining. It's just so grey and dreary...

I think I'll cut some sweet woodruff to make May wine.

1 comment:

lamazeteacher said...

The first picture brought back some nice memories for me. Two great pyrennees have owned me and I couldn't have loved those dogs more. I also lived in Illinois, as you do, but somewhat south of you in Schaumburg. I am enthralled with watching your sheep and being able to live a shepherdess's life vicariously.