Wednesday, May 6, 2009


We had the sheep out grazing in the waterway today. I hauled 25 gallons of water out to the field. Suddenly, two tractors appeared, pulling field conditioners behind them! I quickly moved the flock back home, and pulled up 500+ feet of electronet fencing. Ugh!! I am so thankful that we can graze this land, but hate never knowing when the tractors will appear.
Anna's ram Gideon is always trying to sneak a drink from any ewe that will stand still. Because of her mastitis in 2008, I don't think she's producing much milk. I'm feeding Gilligan 3 8oz. bottles per day. So, as much as I hate it, I will have to think about culling her. Her lambs are so nice, though....

Echo, our beautiful black (silvering) ram from Hawks Mountain Ranch in Oregon. He has such a great temperament.Emily with her single ram lamb. What a nice udder! Her ram is growing like crazy.Ivan, our sheltie pup, waiting and watching...

Charlotte nursing her triplets. She seems to manage these rowdy, vigorous lambs with ease.

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