What a day this has been. Frea started out the day with a tiny ewe lamb. I think she's a premie, our first in 8 years of lambing. Mom looks bewildered, lambie looks confused. She wanted to nurse, but just couldn't get the hang of it. So, I decided to tube her. This is quite a scary thing to do. Elaine from Flesi Farm in Maine has some great instructions, so that is what I follow. Blogger won't let me cut and past the instructions, dang it. So, I've been tubing the premie today, and she seems to be doing well. Frea is quite frustrated. She wants to be a momma, and doesn't like this situation! The little ewe weighed in at 3.75 lb.
Ella lambed while all of this was going on. Such a good ewe, no problems with her--ever. A smaller ram lamb weighing 5 lb. and a big ewe lamb weighing 9 lb., both black. Ella is such a nice, easy going, no problem ewe. 

As Ella was lambing, so was Claire. Claire was certain that Ella's ewe was hers. I quickly put Ella and her lambs in the barn, much to Claire's dismay. She bellowed and fussed around the barn door, but finally settled into pushing out her lamb. A GIANT moorit ram weighing in at 12 lb. His horn buds are gigantic. Claire has had 2 sets of triplets, and several twins, so it was quite a surprise for her to have a single. This little guy should grow out really well.
Here's a cute pic of Dalla's ewe lamb. Isn't she adorable?