Thursday, September 4, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Herdsire Finn


More Flock Sires--Echo

More Flock Sires--Espen

Maddie & Espen, showing at our fair.

Hanging out at the fair. It was HOT!

Flock Sires from the past...

You can see the Ari influence on this ram, he's almost a carbon copy! Gorgeous, colorful wool. He is the sire to our Claire & Charlotte.
The very first lamb born on our farm! We bought his dam as a bred ewe (SRX 688K). She was the top colored yearling ewe at Rhinebeck NY in 2001, judged by Gudmundur Johannesson with a score of 81.5. He was a gentle giant. The only daughter in our flock sired by Ashur is Cierra. Asher & Avery were buds.
Caesar--LF RAM B2H 1L
What a great set of horns this ram had. Nice heavy conformation, too. Ari bloodlines. He was bred by Susan Briggs, Tongue River. We only used him one year. He was just a devil during breeding season. I don't like to keep overly aggressive rams. He certainly did produce a lot of nice lambs for us though. Currently in our flock--Ella, Ellyssa, Elodie, Evra, Espen & Ezra, several of these are for sale.
Caesar makes a good poster boy for our Icelandics

Cinnamon Toast (CT)--LF RAM M3H 114R
CT had a very dense, crimpy fleece and heavy musculature. A very calm, laid back ram, even during breeding season. Lots of progeny in our flock--Deidra, Delilah, Delphine, Dottie, Drea, Faith, Fauna, Fancy, Flavia, Flynn & Felicia. Many of these are for sale.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Evra RBR52T, Born 5/13/07 here on our farm
Black Horned Badgerface Ewe
Lambing Record NB
For Sale $450
Evra is Drea's daughter, granddaughter of Stella. We let her grow out this winter instead of putting her into a breeding pen. She is maturing into a nice stocky girl, heavy colorful curly fleece, great horns, cute personality. Has been an easy & carefree ewe. Spinners love the black badger fleeces. Like most of Stella's progeny, a bit on the bossy side! She's for sale.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Elodie RBR50T, born 5/13/07 here on our farm
White Horned Ewe
Lambing Record 1
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Black Horned Ewe
Lambing record 2
Ella is a twin daughter of Stella. The sun turned the tips of her lamb fleece a warm chocolaty color, but her adult fleece has stayed a nice solid black. As a yearling, she is taller and larger than some of my older ewes. Ella has a confident, independent personality, and is proving to be a very good first time mother with twins. She has a more muscular frame than Stella. Her lambs will both be for sale, since we have so much of these genetics already. Below, is a current photo of Ella, hanging out by our creek on a hot early July day.
Moorit Grey Horned Ewe
Lambing Record 1
Emily is Claire's daughter from a set of '07 triplets. They look so much alike, I have to look at their horns to tell them apart. Emily's fleece is exceptionally lustrous with colors ranging from cream to a greyish taupe to apricot. She should develop a nice muscular frame as she matures. She had a sweet black ewe lamb this spring, and is such a good first time mother. She stamps her feet at the dogs and keeps her lamby close.
Moorit Horned Ewe
Lambing Record NB,2
Deon is Claire's first lamb. The moorit color is very popular with spinners. Moorit is the English version of the Icelandic word morautt, which describes the reddish-brown color of the peat bogs. Deon had an awesome pair of ewes on Easter day. So nice, that I think I'll keep one of them and sell her! She has nice heavy, SOFT fleece, outgoing friendly personality, dependable mother.
Lambing record 1,2

Dalla updated photo, with fleece! Isn't she lovely? I'm really enjoying this intelligent ewe.
Moorit Spotted Badgerface Horned Ewe
Lambing Record NB, 2
Delphine is another one of Stella's triplet daughters. Longer bodied than her sister Drea, fleece is abundant and luxurious, heavy milker, friendly, excellent mother. I love her striped horns. Her twins this year are both exceptional. I will have to keep her beautiful daughter, a black ewe with a white blaze on her forehead. Her son is will be for sale.
Drea is one of Stella's daughters, a triplet herself. She has a nice square confirmation, perfect wide horns, soft crimpy fleece, an excellent mother, always reliable, friendly personality, both heat & parasite tolerant, too. She is for sale this year, only because we have so many in Stella's line already here, as well as the same badgerface pattern.