eight little poults this week.

It won't be long until they are out cruising the gardens foraging for insects.

It is a heritage breed and is considered critically endangered.

He considers himself to be king of the barnyard.
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How sweet. We want to get some turkeys that will lay and set on their eggs and not grow too big. Your Tom is a beauty.
So cute! Why is the one a different color? I really like the coloring on the adults!
So cute! Why is the one a different color? I really like the coloring on the adults!
I wondered that myself. I did a little research and read that when you breed 2 "blue" slates, you will sometimes get a black or white one in the mix.
I love them! I would love to get a few heritage breeds, but I couldn't afford them this year. I just got the regular old broad breasted bronze and whites! They won't be around long enough to hatch any babies...if you get my drift. ;-)
I was wondering if that was the case. Fun!
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