Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Updates coming soon!

January! Cold and blustery winter days. A fresh pot of soup simmers on the stove nearly every day, warming the kitchen. I love soup in the winter.
I have diligently been working on improving our website Our flock is growing, and how can I sell sheep without a decent website? We have used the 1 & 1 host, with one of their templates. For some reason, it has not been compatible with our computer/windows system, browser, etc. Updating it is a nightmare, which is my excuse for lack of updates. I've been working on Frontpage software to update our site. It should be up before lambing begins in late March. Hopefully sooner, though! I do have a few bred ewes that I'd like to sell. I love designing the web site. After all, I do have a bachelor of fine arts degree with an emphasis in graphic design. The technical aspect is something else. When I went to college, we didn't even have computers! I'm really not that old, either.
I've taken thousands of photos of my Icelandic sheep in the past eight years. I'm trying to find a decent side pose of each of the 50 or so sheep of in my current flock. Not easy! I will have to remind myself next summer to take more side shots. Especially in the fall when they are looking fabulous sporting their full fleeces. Some ewes are so friendly, with their faces right in the camera. I can never get side shots of those girls. I took photography classes in college. The old fashioned kind, developing and processing your own prints. Now, with the click of a mouse, I can edit the photos in no time. I use Adobe Photoshop Elements, which can do amazing things. I need to learn more. I love the way I can erase hay in the fleeces or a eliminate a runny nose.
We may finally be upgrading to high speed Internet, instead of the satellite dish-woo hoo!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


Kenleigh's Fiber Studio said...

Good luck with all of your changes. My husband didn't understand why I spent so much time on the computer working on our website until he recently built a small one for himself. He really appreciates our website now :) I use FrontPage and really like it. High-speed internet recently came to our neck of the woods and it is soooooo nice!

tonya said...

I would love to check out the updates and changes on your website, but if you have bred ewes for sale on there, i had better not... It would be too much temptation. Your sheep are beautiful! I love the picture you have posted on this post too.. she looks to have such a sweet personality. :)

Terri said...

The sheep is actually our wether named Frosty, a homozygous grey. He looks like a ewe, doesn't he?
The website is coming along, slowly but surely..