Wickedly hot temperatures for the last month of June. Our average June high is 79 degrees, but it was over 90 for several days in a row, with a high of 98 on June 23rd. The humidity was also up there. We spent a lot of time hauling cold water out to the pastures for the sheep. They seem to drink a lot more if we place random buckets in the field for them. Now, it's almost chilly, with highs in the upper 60's! Nice...
Salem the llama got a much needed trim, just a rough looking barrel cut.
We continue to enjoy a nice amount of rain, so the pastures look good.
Delphine and her triplets, hanging out in the shade.....
just Isn't this just the cutest little smiling Icelandic badgerface ram?
The girls will sometime get into a bit of a tussle, but it's too hot to get serious about it this time of year. The yearlings are getting big, and starting to challenge some of the older ewes. Without lambs to nurse, they are maturing beautifully and have been very carefree these past few months.
Even though we've lived on our farm for nearly 15 years, we still find new creatures. I noticed this bird, the Eastern Townhee while I was up in the secret garden. It had a different call, and was large, like a blue jay. Both the male and female were upset, causing quite a stir. Then I saw why, their nest of newly hatched babies was hidden on the ground, in danger of being trampled by grazing sheep.
Just yesterday near my milk house door, this HUGE cecropia moth had just hatched. I was amazed at the size of it's six inch wingspan-wow!