We decided to round up the first batch of hatched ducklings to raise ourselves. In the past, we've let the mothers raise them, and typically lose 80% of the hatch. We gathered up the 40 or so ducklings, and put them in the barn with a heat lamp, food and water. That worked out fine, except for the fact that our turkey was sitting on a nest in the same area. She saw those ducklings and decided to heck with those eggs! I'll take care of those ducklings. And, so it goes.She's a good momma, and they range far and wide, eating all of the bugs in the lawn and gardens. We give them a little cracked corn, which they adore. I guess we'll be eating duck for Thanksgiving instead of turkey!
Too funny! That is a lot of ducklings for one mama. What type of ducks do you raise?
These were ducklings from several mommas. Thirty or so are muscovies, and the others are pekin/cayuga crosses. I can hardly believe how well they are doing! They are just huge. Raising ducklings away from their mommas are definetly a good thing! Their mommas are now all setting on new nests, so we'll have more ducklings soon.
Home to a beautiful flock of registered Icelandic Sheep in Northern Illinois. 2011 was is our ninth season of lambing. We’ve worked hard to build a flock that encompasses all the aspects we love about the Icelandic breed--hardiness, exceptional meat conformation, superb maternal instincts, prolificacy and outstanding fleeces. Please look around and feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. We offer quality breeding stock, both mill spun and hand spun yarns, roving, and raw fleeces. Welcome to Red Brick Road Farm!Questions?rbrfarm@centurylink.net
Wondering about the names of our sheep? "Most" of our sheep are named according to the year they were born, especially those born here on our farm. Our first lambs had "A" names, so this being our 6th year, our lambs all have "F" names. It makes it easy for us when looking at our flock to know the age of the sheep. The sheep that we bring in to our flock sometimes have their own names, or I'll rename them according to our flock year. On this blog, I'm trying to post the oldest ewes first, then I'll move on to rams, then lambs.
Too funny! That is a lot of ducklings for one mama. What type of ducks do you raise?
These were ducklings from several mommas. Thirty or so are muscovies, and the others are pekin/cayuga crosses. I can hardly believe how well they are doing! They are just huge. Raising ducklings away from their mommas are definetly a good thing! Their mommas are now all setting on new nests, so we'll have more ducklings soon.
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