Santa has been good to us, 7 beautiful, healthy Great Pyrenees puppies born just this morning, on Christmas Day. Belle is a wonderful first time mother. She is a full blooded great pyrenees. Sire is as well, and he's a big handsome boy. Belle has been a very attentive LGD for us, very tollerant of the sheep and lambs and happy to spend her days watching over them. These puppies were born in our barn and will be raised with our sheep, so should also be great LGD's. Once they mature a bit, I will post photos and start taking deposits. I haven't checked to see how many males vs. females we have, but they will all be $350 each. I will update with photos here and on our facebook page!/pages/Red-Brick-Road-Farm-Icelandic-Sheep-Wool/186746228026140 Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Home to a beautiful flock of registered Icelandic Sheep in Northern Illinois. 2011 was is our ninth season of lambing. We’ve worked hard to build a flock that encompasses all the aspects we love about the Icelandic breed--hardiness, exceptional meat conformation, superb maternal instincts, prolificacy and outstanding fleeces. Please look around and feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. We offer quality breeding stock, both mill spun and hand spun yarns, roving, and raw fleeces. Welcome to Red Brick Road Farm!Questions?
Wondering about the names of our sheep? "Most" of our sheep are named according to the year they were born, especially those born here on our farm. Our first lambs had "A" names, so this being our 6th year, our lambs all have "F" names. It makes it easy for us when looking at our flock to know the age of the sheep. The sheep that we bring in to our flock sometimes have their own names, or I'll rename them according to our flock year. On this blog, I'm trying to post the oldest ewes first, then I'll move on to rams, then lambs.
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