Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Another BIG single!

The baby monitor woke me this morning with the sounds of a ewe in hard labor. I threw on my clothes and ran out to the barn to see who it was. Fern! A two winter ewe, first time mother. From the size of the emerging hooves, I could tell it was going to another big one. I ran back inside to wake my daughter and made a pot of coffee. Back out we went. Fern wasn't making progress, so we helped ease the lamb out, another 9.5 lb. ram with big horn buds. He's white with a black spot on his heel. So, Fern carries spotting. Sire is Finn.
I got them situated in the lambing jug, only to discover someone else had taken up residence. A brown Muscovy duck! She'll have to find another spot to lay her eggs.

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